Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a MOLE!

Kids at the ArtZone are very observant. Any time I wear my hair a different way or wear different shoes they say something to me. Like when I wore my hair down, half the kids didn't know who I was..ok so maybe they aren't that observant. This was the same day that one of the kids said I smelled like a dog. Maybe looked like one, but I DID NOT smell like one.

Anyways there is one kid, "H" who is basically obsessed with my mole. It never fails ,everytime he comes in on Monday he says something about it. Most of the time it is the first thing he says to me. While pointing at my face,"It's a MOLE." He knows what it is because I've had to explain it to him many times, like no H you cannot pick it off my face, it's a mole and it's there all the time. He still pokes at it from time to time, which totally grosses Stef out. :) 

Well I tend to refer to it as a beauty mark, because that's what it is and it sounds a lot better than a mole. I figured explaining it as a mole would be easier to kids. Though H did make a comment about it being like an animal. So I think he thinks the thing on my face is the same thing as the animal digging holes in the ground.

Anyways, "O" noticed it recently, enough at least to ask about it. It's usually when I pick them up and they are right in my face that the notice the "chocolate chip." Anyways I tell her it's a beauty mark. And she looks at it and goes, in the sweetest, most angelic voice (that a girl with snot coming out of her nose can have) "IT'S BEAUTIFUL!! I nearly cried. It was so cute.

Just another reason I love my job.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


I'm so excited. So I'm kind of obsessed with blogs and I stumbled across a fabulous blog and such a talented designer. Well turns out she does custom projects, and I've "commisioned her," "hired" or whatever to create a real life logo and Etsy banner. I'm am soooo super excited and just wanted to tell everyone, well all 4 of you about it!


Gift Tags Galore!

I needed some variety in my Etsy Shop and decided to make some gift tag sets. I made some at x-mas time for a very special customer and figured why not make them again.

Here are a few pics of them. They can be found for sale at

I'm selling them for $3.50 for a set of 6. And free shipping. Does that seem like a good price to you guys? 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Carnival/Tattoo Celebration

So as I'm sitting on the couch nursing my sugar hangover I decided I'd blog about our super fun Saturday night. One of our good friends, Jordan, turned 30 this week and Stefanie (his wifey) planned an amazing suprise party for him. I honestly don't know how she did it, we had a hard enough time planning a surprise party for my parents while they were gone, but she did it while Jordan was there! Bravo Stef, Bravo! 

And what a party it was! I'm going to let the pictures do the talking..

(ugh I always forget to do them backwards...) 

Out by the Keg!
J & S
Stef and her Sis!
The birthday boy! Stef made him wait at Starbucks.

Fuzzy Balls.
Roasted Peanuts. Found on etsy.
Hanging flower pots, and cute picket fence.
The ellusive Pretzles.

Popcorn in adorable little pc boxes.
Drinking Fountains
One of my fav pics.
Adorable Metal Signs 

Side Door and Lights
Loved this little guy. Took many pics of him.
Tattoo Table
Front door
Tattoo Sign

Jordan's Ink Fund and Raffle Prizes

One of these are in my fridge...his hours are numbered

What a spread!
Some inside decos
Outside pics, old pictures of J!

Ps. The headache is gone!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Exciting Saturday Night...

So I haven't blogged in a while and I'm not really in the mood to put up pictures. I've been doing a lot of crafting lately and finally have a decent amount of cards on Etsy. I've sold 4 cards so far. 2 to people I know and 2 to random strangers. Though all sales are exciting the random strangers are even more so! Randomly they were two differnt girls in Florida. I've been spending time on the etsy forums trying to figure out how sellers get customers to look at their store.

I'm on a mission to make this somewhat successful. Though I'd like to become a millionaire from it, just a little extra money is nice. Any suggestions? A lot of people say that blogging works, but I'm pretty sure I have like 2 loyal readers. Hello loyal readers!